Tangaza Magazine

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Caleb Awiti - “All To My Own”, Is It Simping, If It Sounds Good?

In the last few years, Caleb has established himself as an RnB prodigy. His musical style is reminiscent of some of the 2010’s greatest international RnB and hip hop stars. His innovative production choices and simple, repetitive lyrics that clearly define his feelings and musings put him in the excellent position of capturing his audience's attention from the moment they press play. 

His latest track, “All To My Own”, is no exception. Caleb immediately grips our attention with his once again innovative production. The instrumentation comes packed full of the majority of the elements that will be presented throughout the song. This style of song creation has the potential to be distracting, but Caleb expertly mitigates against this, by deftly playing with the song's structure. Whether by dropping the bass, or layering harmonic elements in the vocals we as the audience are never left feeling overwhelmed or even bored for that matter. 

One of the many ways in which “All To My Own” is interesting is that it’s led by its percussive elements. While the bass is the song’s driving force, weaving and bouncing throughout the song acting as ear candy rather than holding rhythm, the varying percussive instruments keep us locked in. Traditional RnB would see this song being pushed forward by its melodic moments, relying primarily on vocal arrangements and harmonies to keep the listener interested. But Caleb has found a creative way to keep us, the listener following his story through playing around with the conventions of the genre. 

Impeccable production aside, the lyrics also expertly guide us through the story. As mentioned before, Caleb often utilises simple, straightforward lyricism to convey his messaging. The repetition of the chorus is used as an anchor to the main pleading with our lost love, “Sasha” to simply let us have her to ourselves. The listener is drenched in the feelings of desperation and need that Caleb does so well to communicate. 

“All To My Own”, is an instant bop that had us grooving from minute one. No doubt Caleb has found his groove and we’re excited to be witnessing this young RnB marvel grow. The only question we have left is, “Who is Sasha?”.

Listen to “All To My Own” on all platforms.