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Peni Mbili is Planting Roots and Challenging minds with latest Collection “Mizizi”

How do the clothes you wear represent who you are? Would the pants you chose to wear today tell me what I need to know about your personality? Are you loud, are you bold, are you elegant or demure? How much time do you spend contemplating your external expression?

It took brothers Anthony and Muthama Muisyo years to determine what this meant for them, but today they are part of defining Nairobi’s fashion culture. These two brothers are the brains behind the design studio, Peni Mbili which was created as a way for the duo to experiment - with fashion, in expression as well asin culture. Both Anthony and Muthama are artists gifted with many talents andPeni Mbili has been an important way for these visionaries to combine their wide imaginations into something tangible between the two of them. 

Growing up, the pair like many millenials, spent many hours scrolling through the depths of the social media platform Tumblr, finding inspiration wherever it may come. Tumblr and Pinterest were the breeding ground for what would become their personal aesthetics and fashion sensibilities, of which they would later rely on to create Peni Mbili. With their new found online inspirations the young men began looking for the opportunity to bring their ideas to life. They scoured Nairobi’s CBD, but came up empty handed, each store only housing brand name knock offs and poor Chinese replications of the current trends. It wasn’t personal, so they expanded their search. They took a trip to the city’s eastlands and began searching through the second-hand Gikomba market. Most of Nairobi’s second hand imports make their way first through this marketplace, making the options endless. Gikomba offered them a chance to explore their personal styles and begin controlling their fashion narratives. They were able to begin building their style with pieces they knew would not be found anywhere else in the city.

Peni Mbili’s first intentional foray into the fashion world was a more subtle exploration of how they could represent the personal style they’d worked so hard to develop in a way that could be shared with others. Their first collection consisted of a series of t-shirts printed with artwork that Anthony had created himself. It had their essence and they were proud to see their efforts tangibly manifested, but now after 2 years they were ready to expand.

In May of 2023 Peni Mbili released their second mini collection, “Mizizi '', consisting of two unique jersey designs. One a large short sleeved shirt, and for those looking for a little extra slay, the other is a long sleeved cropped version of the same shirt. The “Mizizi'' collection is an ideological experimentation in brand/consumer relationships. Peni Mbili has made a unisex design that challenges the everyday person to contemplate their own expression. In its construction it mimics the design of the familiar football jersey, but incorporates the collar of the closet staple polo shirt, two shapes that theoretically would be easy for any consumer to adapt to. However Anthony and Muthama are comfortable with the seemingly ambiguous nature of the design and have been interested in observing how consumers have been slightly stumped in their interactions with their product. This collection provided the duo with many conflicts, how they could make a garment that was true to them, as well as meet the consumer's desire to look fly. They hoped to reflect their brand DNA as well as provide their audience with something they would actually wear. Major bouts of imposter syndrome often took over as they struggled with the idea that they might not be well received. They were put down by other designers who thought the market might be too conservative, that they’re ideas were too bold for the Kenyan fashion climate. But the brothers persisted and were willing to see their idea out. Peni Mbili is willing to shift culture with their “crazy” ideas. 

Since releasing the collection they have received inquiries from curious fans, “How do I style this?”,  “How do I wear this?”, “Where do I wear this?”. The brothers have made a point not to answer. They view this as a game they play with their consumer, placing the onus of exploration and adventure on them. The “Mizizi'' jersey is a statement and thus must be worn as a statement, whatever that may look like to you.

On their site, where they exclusively sell their products, Peni Mbili have described this collection as being an exploration of firsts, a place to put down roots that will expand, grow and provide stability. Peni Mbili exists in a world of its own, “Mizizi'' is a universe in which everything that has ever inspired the duo is built on. Their roots are the music, art, technology and ideas that build up their creativity. These are the building blocks of their sensitivity to the world, their antennas which are forever up staying tuned into what is culturally relevant and how they can be contributors to the space. This collection has been a complete departure from what they know.The entire process was a first for them, from finding references, to sketching to creating samples and manufacturing, Anthony and Muthuma have pushed themselves from the very beginning of this process and they are proud of their ability to adapt and increase their own capacity. 

The “Mizizi” collection is characterized by the planted horse logo on the back of the jersey. The horse serves as a vehicle for the brand’s expansion, they are planting roots in the Nairobi fashion and culture ecosystem. Peni Mbili’s vivid imagery, strong message and fashion forward designs are cementing them as pioneers in the space. And we are ready for whatever they throw at us next.